Mitosis Phase One: WIP

Mitosis Phase One is near to my heart. In December I put the first stitches down, and realized I was looking at a bunch of cells. The void in all the cells started to make me wonder about what’s happening inside of each one. I decided to investigate and found a cell hot with division.


Back Stitch looking fluid front and back.


Notice the voids between the cells, the Back stitch, and the weave of the fabric.


The cell starting up Mitosis.


The colors soften as the process picks up momentum.


All of this creating has helped us get to a new point: we are going to be launching a Kickstarter project soon. It’s an embroidery wall art project focusing on science and art. Keep an eye out in the next couple of weeks for updates.

Thanks for stopping by!

Twitter: @BrambltnThreads

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